As I write this post my mind is reeling with all the things coming up that I need to keep track of.  I try to put things on my iCal and in Evernote right away, but sometimes I let it slip.  I read an article a friend on Facebook posted the other day called ‘Pillow Talk: What does your pillow arranging style say about you?’, and was not surprised that my style was Precisely Stacked.  Apparently clutter drives me crazy.  Even clutter in the mind.  🙂

So tomorrow I vow to start my day with getting all my loose ends tied up and knock off some of my ‘to do’ list business items.  But before tomorrow comes here is my 365 picture of the day.  After photographing 2 adorable children today this is what I saw (earlier in the evening) across from my desk.  🙂

Across the desk