Day 30 | 365 project | MJW Photography Blog | Northwest Arkansas Modern Photography | Rogers, AR
January 30, 2011Posted in 365 picture project, children, personal
The perfectionist in me wanted to fix her hair before I hit the shutter, but I’m so glad I didn’t. This is more real. More times than not this is what I see when I look at her. Hair flying everywhere. 🙂
When we first found out we were having a girl I had a bit of a panic attack. What on earth would I do with a girl?! All I have is brothers and I mostly played with the boys in the neighborhood growing up. Girly stuff was never my thing. God certainly has a sense of humor though because he gave me a very girly girl. 🙂 God also gave her a strong will…which my dad says is payback. 🙂 I don’t know WHAT he’s talking about since I was the best kid a parent could ever have. 😉