Summertime and the $5 camera | MJW Photography Blog | Northwest Arkansas Modern Photography | Rogers, AR
March 14, 2010Posted in children, family, personal
Last summer we bought one of those five dollar water camera’s for Ben to use. He took it with him each time we went to White Water and our area pool. I really didn’t expect much from it, with it being five bucks and all. I figured we’d get the pictures back and see bits and pieces of us that were blurry and dark. I was kinda right. 🙂 I mean they are very grainy images, but what can you expect from an 800 ISO water camera right? What I didn’t expect is that they weren’t really dark and there were even a few that looked good! And if you haven’t figured it out by now it took us this long to get it developed.
After looking through these I’m really wanting summer to get here. That feel of sunlight hitting your face poolside and the smell of fresh cut grass…okay, I could do without the allergy reaction from the cut grass. You get the picture right? 🙂