I used to think I loved the wintertime.  I used to love seeing the snow.  Don’t get me wrong, I still think snow is beautiful and wondrous, but I’m tired of the cold.  I want spring already.  I know I’m complaining, but the thought of green grass, blue skies, water-parks and ice-pops make me smile. 🙂 🙂

In honor of Spring I’m going give a FREE 8×10 print ($50 value) to the next 3 clients to schedule their spring session.  (offer can not be combined with any other discounts.)

I’ll be blogging about the Single Parent Contest in the next few days.  Not only will this year’s winner get an amazing package from us, but I’ve gone a bit farther this year to include something else.  I will reveal that in the next blog so stay tuned.  🙂

What’s a blog without a picture??
