Family Friday | life with the W’s | MJW Photography Blog | Northwest Arkansas Modern Photography | Rogers, AR
February 12, 2010Posted in family
I have to admit this week was very dull around here. Well, except for the day my toddler temporarily went backwards in potty training and I spend the day scrubbing both bathrooms top to bottom. Did I mention I was sick with a fever and nauseous from the antibiotics while scrubbing toilets? Yeah, it’s been THAT kind of week around here.
Yesterday was Ben and Abby’s Valentine parties at their school which I promised to get to. Ever hear of that expression ‘Life happens’? Well It did because Levi, the toddler started with a small fever. This is when the whole backwards potty training started to make sense to me…he must not feel good. Needless to say I couldn’t take a possibly sick child into my son and daughters class right? I swore I’d never be that parent, you know, the one that doesn’t care if your kid gets sick? So I didn’t go. I tell myself this is okay because we got to do the whole Valentine card/box thing the night before. Of course Abby’s class was going to make their boxes as part of their party so she only had to write out her Valentine’s, which she separated the dog cards out to give to the boys only. (I’m trying not to read too much into that gesture.) Ben on the other hand got to make a box. He wanted something ‘cool’. You know, like the iPOD looking one that his friend made. Seriously? Whatever happened to sticking hearts all over your box? So this is where dad comes in because I can’t make stuff like that. At all. He ended up with, wait for it, a DS box. Yes, I know.
I think tonight I may take the oldest out for a date night, just him and I. Undoubtedly we’ll end up at Borders because we both love that place! They hold most of my spending money I must admit. My only complaint is that they don’t stay open real late, you know, like til midnight. How relaxing would that be?
So here are some fun little iPhone Polaroid pics I snapped over this last week. A few may need some explaining. The top middle, if you look at what he is holding. Ya, that would be a whole lot of Levi’s hair on UPS tape. Boys will be boys right?
🙂 Til next week 🙂