Well, today I finally gave in, and took my ‘baby’ to get his haircut…for the First time!  I have been dreading cutting it for two reasons.  One being the idea of him looking older, and the other not knowing if he would be one of those that screams and cries.  To my delight he was just a dream!  He sat in his seat, sucking on his lollipop just as content as could be.  Of course his mother just jumped around taking pictures, I mean what else would I have done?  🙂

When we pulled in the driveway he was asleep.  My little guy looked so sweet, and I thought to myself that this could be one of my last chances that he looks like a baby asleep.  I pulled out my camera and started taking pictures of all my favorite things, his eyelashes, puckered up lips, toes, etc.  The last two pictures were taken in his car-seat just to prove a great picture can happen anywhere!  🙂



Her he is with Miss. Trudi, our fabulous hairstylist.  You can find her at Illusions in Bentonville!  😉




Til next time,
