Blog Category: 365 picture project

I love how far technology has come.  With the new smartphones come better and better phone cameras.  The latest iPhone’s camera is really good!  I use it for just about all of my everyday snapshots.  Since Clary was born I’ve been making sure I take at least one image a day.  I want to remember all the everyday things, and I want each of my kids to remember their individual relationship with their baby sister.  Since my kids are spread out in age, and since that’s how I grew up, I want to make sure those special bonds are documented.  If you own a smartphone I encourage you to snap a picture everyday of the year.  And not just a picture of what you’re eating or your latte’s, but something meaningful.  Here are a few I’ve been snapping lately.  You can find me and follow me on Instagram, username is mworthin.

He was very excited to show off what his Micky Mouse Moped could do this evening.  Santa left this for him under our tree.  I never  tire of that smile.

Today was the first day back from Christmas break.  The kids went to school, husband to work and me to the studio.  I had a beautiful newborn girl to photograph, orders to send in, emails to answer and a bit of location scouting to do for an upcoming project.  So when my youngest went with me this is what I got for today’s photoaday.  🙂

Courtesy my iPhone.

They call this the gateway to the West.  The St. Louis arch.  Shot from the highway with my iPhone on the last stretch of our drive back home.  And no, I was not driving and shooting.  🙂

Snuggled up in the hotel bed, falling asleep watching Shrek.  Traveling is hard work!