Blog Category: 365 picture project

Nothing like music and a good book.  this was taken with my iPhone with the Instagram app.

This weather has had my asthma and sinus’ under attack.  I’ve been staying off anything worse with plenty of rest the last few days…but now I’ve got a major case of Cabin Fever.  Thankfully I’ve got a busy week ahead of me to get me back in the swing of things.

Family Togetherness

3 1/2 years old and still sucking his thumb.  I love it.  🙂

Since I started this project on the 15th of January I have to catch up here and there.  And since I couldn’t get to my session this morning (since it’s unheard of to plow roads in this area) I took my own kids pictures.  🙂

And a little picture tip for those ladies and men who’ve taken my photo class.  Remember that the snow is like a gigantic reflector and gives off tons of light.  Use that to your advantage, but meter for that extra light or you’ll blow out your snow.

Have fun!

I got home this afternoon from shooting all morning and I was frozen!  I’m ready for the green to come back.  It wouldn’t be so bad if we lived somewhere where the snow fell.  I mean really fell.  At least then the cold would be worth it!  Here it’s just cold and ugly.

But looking at this mug has got to warm you up.  🙂
