Blog Category: milestones

A year goes by so fast. I can’t tell you how much I’ve enjoyed watching D-man grow during his baby time. I have been blessed to document his time inside mommy, his birth, and all his milestones during the first year. I joke to his mama that he’s finally grown into that big head of his, ha! I can’t wait to see how he continues to grow. xo

Emery Kate is already three months old! This sweetie has a fantastic disposition, and perfect little baby rolls. 🙂 I just wanted to cuddle her for hours. Oh, and check out that adorable dimple!

Deacon reached another adorable milestone. Everytime I think this guy can’t get any cuter…he does!

Little Deacon just keeps growing! I was super impressed with his mad sitting skills at just 4 months. And that hair! The cuteness just kills me. 🙂

Sweet Elsie Joy. She has a beautiful spirit about her. Elsie smiled, coo’d, and ate her feet..but what she enjoyed the most was taking out her hearing aids and chewing on them. Stinker. No way you can get mad at this face! 🙂