Blog Category: personal

With June just a couple days away our household is getting cabin fever.  I think were all really ready for our beach vacation!  I took my daughter out this afternoon to scout a couple locations and when I got back we found two very hyper boys.  🙂  They have a plan to bury their Uncle Jason in the sand when we get to the beach….and I think they may succeed.  Oh, and when they do I will have a picture of it!  🙂

Hope your having a great Memorial Day weekend!

I can’t believe he’ll be 3 this summer!  It’s going by too fast.  Had to share these images from this afternoon.  It is so nice outside!  And for all you iPhone people out there these were all taken with the ‘Hipstamatic’ picture app.  🙂

I just got back from an amazing retreat for women photographers called Be thou my Vision started by the lovely Jane Johnson.  Instead of a workshop it is a retreat to relax and seek God’s face for our business’.  The world says you have to spend lots of money and step on other people to get ahead.  What a depressing way to do something you love.  I can’t tell you how refreshing it has been to sit down for days with fellow photographers and just be real.  No one trying to pretend.  God put me in a room with seven of the most amazing ladies to laugh, cry, eat and chat with.  I am forever changed by this retreat.

“Unless the Lord builds the house, it’s builders labor in vain.”  Psalm 127:1

The only time I used my camera on this trip was flying on the plane.  Flying over this view was just too much to resist!

Before I flew out to Oregon my husband and I went to Tulsa, Oklahoma’s Gilcrease Museum with our oldest kids and our close friends.  They didn’t allow any photography at all inside, but they had a beautiful garden outside so i snapped a few.  The museum was amazing!  They have lots of cool stuff for children to do so I highly recommend it.

I sound a little bit excited don’t I?  I AM!  My birthday (we won’t mention the age) was back in February and I told Andy I really wanted the iPad, but it wasn’t due to come out til April.  He was all ready to pre-order it when I told him to just forget it and we’d look into getting it later.  I hadn’t really thought about it since.  I mean sure, I read about it, googled it and stared at Apple’s website each day, but i wasn’t thinking about it.  😉  So Saturday morning I was gloriously taking advantage of sleeping in and letting my husband do breakfast with the kids that I never knew they left!  Sure I was aware in the back of my mind somewhere that I was sleeping peacefully for once…but no clue they were gone.  When they got home I was washing my face in the bathroom.  The kids all came running in with their Chick-Fil-A breakfast and Walmart sacks in hand.  Still, no idea.  Andy throws down the sack yakking away about something (I can’t remember what exactly) while I start brushing my teeth.  When he throws down the bag a box drops out and he just smiles.  I looked at what fell out and there it was….my new baby!  Ben took a bet that I’d scream when I saw it, and he would have won if it weren’t for the Colgate in my mouth.  🙂

Translation for image above:  my mom thinks this is her’s.  But it’s Mine!

Last summer we bought one of those five dollar water camera’s for Ben to use.  He took it with him each time we went to White Water and our area pool.  I really didn’t expect much from it, with it being five bucks and all.  I figured we’d get the pictures back and see bits and pieces of us that were blurry and dark.  I was kinda right.  🙂  I mean they are very grainy images, but what can you expect from an 800 ISO water camera right?  What I didn’t expect is that they weren’t really dark and there were even a few that looked good!  And if you haven’t figured it out by now it took us this long to get it developed.

After looking through these I’m really wanting summer to get here.  That feel of sunlight hitting your face poolside and the smell of fresh cut grass…okay, I could do without the allergy reaction from the cut grass.  You get the picture right?  🙂

So here is to summertime.  May it come quickly and last a while.