Blog Category: personal

Ahh the oldest.  I can’t believe he is already 8 and finishing 2nd grade!  Sometimes I daydream about what my kids will do when they grow up and find myself stumped.  My son has such a mix of my husband and I he could do just about anything he wanted…a whiz in school and is already troubleshooting programming with his dad!  He seems to have a flair for the artistic side though…some of the drawings he does at home blow my mind.

Now I know his hair is badly in need of a cut, BUT he likes it…and sigh it’s only hair right?  I think it’s because when it’s long and scraggly he can twist it better with his fingers.  He and I both have the same habit of playing with our hair…but he doesn’t seem to accidentally put knots in his when he twists it too tight!  🙂





Ya right.  Our daughter is more like a lil’ miss ATTITUDE.  🙂

But seriously, I love this girl of mine.  She has got so much spunk mixed with just the right amount of sweetness.  I pity the fool who falls in love with her cause her daddy isn’t going to like him! 🙂

I’ll be posting my big man soon too.  My goal is to get a 20×30 of each of my children hanging above their beds….in the next century.  ha!






So I turned 30 today, and I’m actually liking it.  They say wisdom comes with age, but we’ll see!  🙂

My sweet husband made me a pretty cool cake, and we got to decorate it together.  He also watched the kidlets so that I could go out with my best friend for some dinner and shopping…what more could a girl ask for?



Did I mention my husband also took on the task of taking pictures?  Image the stress of not only photographing your wife, but your wife the perfectionist/photographer?!  Then, as if that wasn’t enough he took a couple fun shots of me with my babies!  🙂



I found this adorable little clip on a fellow photog’s blog.  Take a minute and watch it, I promise it will bring a smile to your face no matter what your day happens to be like at the moment!

**If you are a client with an active gallery, and you loose your power during this icestorm let me know and I will extend your gallery

This is a picture of the grass in my front yard.  It was crunching under my feet, such a cool sound!

Til next time,


My favorite little 2 year old had her birthday today! (I can call her my favorite because my guy isn’t 2 yet!)

When I got there she gave me a hug and I told her happy birthday…she said ‘Hi Minnie!’ (that’s how she says Mindy…it’s so cute)

Her aunt made the birthday cake.  It was shaped like a babydoll with a pink diaper on, and brown curly hair…just like ‘A’!  Oh yea, and it was really good!  🙂

Here she is with her great grandpa, so sweet.

She finally got tired.  Her and E-I (that’s how she says guy) are both thumb suckers.

Til next time,

Mindy  aka Minnie