Blog Category: tweens/teens

This week has been a whirlwind week of things to do and sick kids to attend to.  Today seemed to be the light at the end of the tunnel, but another one bit the dust when I found him passed out in my bed with a fever.  Just in time for the weekend, woohoo!  (can you hear the sarcasm?)  I hope this passes fast for him.

On a different note, I will be out of town Friday afternoon through Saturday.  I can be reached by email only during this time.  Meanwhile, don’t forget to keep those Single Parent nominations coming!  Deadline is the 15th.

Last year was the first year I tried this, and I really enjoyed doing these.  We mother’s, we don’t like to get in front of the camera too often.  We like our hair and make up to be perfect, and often they aren’t since we spend our days juggling kids, house, errands and jobs.  It’s important that we make the time to have pictures taken.  And not just of the whole family, but those individual relationships within your family.  They are precious and fleeting. They need to be photographed.  Our memories are often times tied to images, photographs.  Make sure you are in those images.

Through the month of April these sessions will be offered on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

30 minutes of fun and giggles
10-15 final images to view
Your favorite 8×10 custom framed in a beautiful Organic Bloom frame of your choosing.

All for just $200 plus tax. If you have multiple children they may all participate, but keep in mind the session time and amount of final images remains the same. Call 479-366-2702 or email ( to schedule your session today.  Space is limited.

For children of all ages.  Excludes newborns under 3 months old.

I was thrilled when Grandma called to schedule a session with all her grandbabies together!  Last year when they were all together here in Arkansas we did a session as well and it was so fun.  You can see that blog post HERE.  It’s amazing what a year does.  Cameron looks like a teenager and the babies are toddling around like crazy!  Each of the girls have a completely different personality.  They are like night and day, but each so darn adorable as you’ll see.

🙂 🙂

I realized this weekend after shooting several sessions that it has been a while since I updated my own kids pictures.  Well, I’ve rectified that.  🙂  Looking at our oldest I can hardly believe it’s been 12 years!  For all you moms just starting out on your path soak it all up (and I mean all, the crying fits too) because it goes by FAST!

These girls were so much fun!  At 36 weeks pregnant I was surprised I was still able to squat to get some of these shots.  Their mom made a joke about me going into labor in the woods…which definitely could have classified as a natural birth!  🙂