Clary is what I like to call my unexpected blessing.  She is our fourth child and second girl.  I remember the day I found out I was pregnant.  It was late morning and I was getting ready to head out to the studio when I noticed the pregnancy test box.  I’m not sure why I still had one in the house or when it was bought, but I knew I was late so just to ease my mind I took it.  Never in a million years did I think I’d see 2 pink lines.  I was floored.  So much so that I actually screamed.  Thank goodness no one was home but me because I was in full panic mode!  Did I mention this is number four? She was so good to me while I was carrying her.  I never swelled or got nauseated.  She grew straight out like a bowling ball and she let me continue shooting sessions till the last month!

When we got to the hospital I knew it would be a quick labor (or I hoped) because all mine were.  A few hours later….it was time to push.  She came out fast!  And boy did she scream at us!  🙂

fabulous photography by my sweet friend and fellow photographer, Melanie Merkling

What did we do before smart-phones?  All the moments were able to capture in such ease that before were missed.  I’m so glad Andy remember to do a little video on that phone!

Clary Anne.  Such a healthy, pink screamer.  🙂

I just love this face.  Now that she is here I can’t imagine our family without her.  Funny how that works, huh?