At 2AM I got a call from Tom telling me Sarah’s contractions were getting stronger, and that the midwives were on their way over. I told him to let me know how much she has progressed once her midwive got to the house and checked. I tried to get back to sleep, but it was to no avail. By 3:45AM I hadn’t heard back, and that made me a bit nervous. I called Tom back to find out how things were going. It was time to head over. So while the rest of my family slept I threw on my clothes, grabbed my bag, and told my husband good-bye.

I’ve entered quiet births before, but never with so many people. I was so impressed that with about 6 additional people this mom and dad were able to get the beautiful homebirth they had so desired. Sarah was amazing. Their beautiful, red-headed baby girl entered the world as the sun was rising through the window. At 8:11AM on June 3rd, 2014 Tom and Sarah finally got to meet their precious baby.

I can’t wait to share her newborn images with you as well, but for now you all get to witness this awesome birth story thanks to mom and dad’s approval. Enjoy!